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- In Zoos

- Livestock/ cattle

Mammalian male sexuality in human captivity



We have  seen how mammalian males in the wild only occasionally seek sex with females, many not indulging in it at all. Now let's look at how it goes with mammals in human captivity.


In Zoos

Breeding mammals in captivity has been a challenging job since the humans started captivating animals. This problem is especially well documented amongst zoo keepers. It's not surprising that a society that erroneously considers a sexual urge for females an integral part of being male, cannot understand widespread animal male's disinterest in mating with female.

Therefore, not surprisingly, the widespread difficulty in making males mate with females in the zoos is attributed to everything else under the sun --- the temperature is not right, the environment is not right, food is not right, humans are present, and so on.

However if sex with females is as basic, strong and essential a feature of being male as our society considers, then it is absolutely inexplicable why a male 'starved' of females for long ignores a female introduced in his cage for mating (sometimes even reacting with hostility). It is a common scenario in zoos.

Zoo-keeping probably started in the west. In any case, zoo-management is strongly influenced by the western ideology of heterosexuality.

Therefore, ignoring how animals live in the wild, these zoos routinely keep mammals in pairs of male and female It's not unethical for them, even the thought will not occur to them.

Sometimes, males get used to the female and mate when the time comes. But it is still unethical. This corresponds with exactly how humans are heterosexualised by breaking them from men and 'caging' them with women --- only in this case, the cage is social and psychological. Even the motives are the same breeding.

However, at other times males just completely ignores the females. Naturally females too, mostly, ignore the males unless it's time for procreation.

What the zookeepers don't realize is that mammals are not made for either heterosexuality or marriage ---- to distinctly human concepts.

Case Study

According to the Time magazine (of unspecified date) when the authorities in San Diego zoo wanted some male cubs and they introduced a couple of young males in the female enclosure expecting romance to follow, the females instead attacked them.


Case Study

As per a report in the Scotsman (12.2.2005) Male Penguins in a zoo in Germany have developed such strong sexual bonds with each other and are quite content with it, that had the zoo worried. Humboldt Penguins are an endangered species, and so it is very important for the zoo that every member mates. Therefore, the zoo is planning to get some Swedish female penguins hoping the males will break their bonds to mate with the females.


Case Study

Officials at the New York Aquarium were surprised to find out that a pair of penguins which was so committed to each other, that they had for years thought them to be a male-female couple turned out to be two males.


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Livestock/ Cattle

The problem in breeding livestock/ cattle is much older, so much so that cattle breeders routinely depend on artificial insemination. However the ancients had developed some ingenious ways that made use of natural sexuality of mammalian males.

Case Study:

The following information appeared about a decade ago in the Times of India. If anyone has any further knowledge of it or any links, please email it to us.

There is an ancient technique still used sometimes in Eastern Europe for artificial insemination for cow breeding. Now apparently putting bull and cow together doesn't really help most of the time. So they developed the practice of making the bulls stand in a circle in such away that each bull's hips touch the face of the bull behind him. This technique is extremely effective in arousing the bulls who soon get an erection. The farmers then insert an artificial vagina in the erect penises to collect their semen.

It is also apparent that putting a cow instead of another bull is not such a sure-shot method, otherwise those ancestors would definitely have used that.



However, there is yet another aspect to forcing captivated mammal males to mate that follows exactly the same pattern as the oppression of the human male.

The following case study will demonstrate this clearly:

Case Study

A Horseman who ferries pilgrims to the Kedarnath shrine in Garhwal amidst the high, snow-clad Himalayan peaks has narrated how they train male and female horses to become couples, and how they prevent male horses from bonding with other male horses.

The male horses have a natural and spontaneous bonding instinct with other male horses. If two male horses develop intimacy it is extremely difficult to separate them. Such horses are also extremely difficult to make docile. A horse will not care about his life and fight fiercely if, say, someone beats up his partner. He will also not easily mate with a female.

For this reason male bonds are considered a menace, and horses force-trained to bond with females. They prevent male horses from developing intimacy ---- and don't put them together. Then they keep the male together with the female in her enclosure. For the first few days, the male stops eating food and resists a lot. But gradually he gives in and adjusts to this forced intimacy with the female. With time this intimacy becomes very strong, so strong that the male will go wherever the female goes ---- all through the year. This is unusual in the wild, to say the least.



It is clear from the above study that whether it is the human male or other mammals the key to making him heterosexual is:

- to break/ isolate him from other males.

- to force on him proximity/ intimacy with females

Unless the male is deprived of an opportunity to bond with another male, especially since its 'adolescence', and is subsequently 'caged' together with a female long enough for him to overcome his natural psychological barriers by adjusting with the situation, he will not develop intimacy with the female.

Actually, through this mechanism you can develop an intimacy, even sexual intimacy between any two living beings.--- even between two different species. Sometimes even between two naturally hostile species. But it is still not natural.


Case study

A male pet dog in a house in Almora, who has reached puberty frequently develops an erection while playing with his master's son.


Case study

As per a mobile video clip shown on India T.V., a monkey and a dog raised together have developed an extremely strong bond and accompany each other everywhere they go.


Case study

A caged parrot in Allahabad, refused to fly out when the owners tried to set it free. The parrot considers its owner's family to be the only world he knows.


We saw how this forced 'heterosexuality' is achieved in animals. In humans it is more complex to work this out. Because you can't literally cage them or put them in chains. Therefore, instead of cages and shackles, the society has developed intricate and invisible mechanisms, both to break him from other men, and to force male-female bonds upon him. We have already discussed those mechanisms briefly on this site.

If all of this makes you angry, you have not known the worst.

The modern west is completely heterosexualised now and there are no ethical issues attached with forcing heterosexuality or beating same-sex needs, which is already seen as biologically redundant/ an aberration/ a disease. Besides, the forces of heterosexualisation now have science and technology.

A number of clandestine experiments are on in countries like the US, to find out the cause of what the west calls 'homosexuality' in mammals and to 'treat' it genetically or otherwise, in order to enhance cattle production.

Like mentioned, no one feels any moral pangs about doing this. In their minds they are only dong god/ nature a favour.

No one knows what devastating effects it will have on mammalian life. Because in nature everything has a purpose and when you disrupt such a major part of nature its effects are bound to be far-reaching.

Also of concern are the possible use of such 'treatment' to genetically configure humans in order to get rid of the 'problem' forever.


Case Study:

Same-sex bonds are such a hurdle to breeding amongst sheep that according to the well known biologist Joan Roughgarden, scientists in the US have tried to breed 'same-sex' preferences out of sheep. Joan says this may cause more harm than good.



Comparison with humans

In the zeal to 'breed' like insects, the society has for long treated any human that doesn't breed as 'sick', 'abnormal' and a 'burden' ---- so much so that today 'breeding' itself has become a burden (Population explosion). But heterosexuality has only grown stronger.

It is a fact that without forced mechanisms to 'heterosexualise' humans, few males will participate in male-female mating regularly, and male-female bonds (heterosexuality), will be almost non-existing. This perfectly explains why the human societies has such severe restrictions on what they call 'homosexuality' even when it is claimed to be only a very small 'problem' (2% -5%). And why such heavy socio-psychological investment goes into propping up male-female sexual bonds, and why they are so rewarded.

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